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Correspondence Address
The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2859 2111 
Fax: (852) 2858 2549

Estates Office – Security Control Centre
Tel: 3917 2882 (24hrs)


Admissions Office
Enquiries on undergraduate admissions: admissions@hku.hk
Enquiries on admissions of undergraduate students from the Mainland: prcua@hku.hk
Enquiries on taught postgraduate admissions: tpgadmissions@hku.hk

Exchange Student
Enquiries on student exchange: exchange@hku.hk

Graduate School
Enquiries on research postgraduate programme admissions: gradsch@hku.hk


Centre of Development and Resources for Students
Email: cedars@hku.hk
Tel: 3917 2305

Communications and Public Affairs Office, The Registry
University communications and media relations: cpao@hku.hk
Tel: 3917 2610

Development & Alumni Affairs Office
Email: daao@hku.hk
Tel: 3917 1700

HKU Visitor Centre
Email: visitorcentre@hku.hk
Tel: 3917 7853

University Libraries
Email: Email-A-Librarian
Tel: 3917 2202

University Museum & Art Gallery
Email: museum@hku.hk
Tel: 2241 5500

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Tel: 3917 0123
Email: webadm@hku.hk
